October Festival Munich German

Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Bayern, Germany, in late September and early October. This festival is one of the most famous events in the city and also the biggest festival in the world with around six million visitors annually. Other cities in the world also hold festivals festival in Munich using this as a model, even using the name Oktoberfest.

Fat boy from China

In the photograph - the children of the same age. But the three year old Xiao Hao clearly stands out among them. Still - his weight is five times higher than normal. Doctors still suspect a problem with growth hormones.

Cheerleader Fails

Artistic Lamp by Jhoomar

When Super Hero Save The World

Nails Art

Japanese Neon Fighting

Floating Market at Thailand

Thailand's floating markets are among the most-photographed destinations in the country. The river and 'klong' markets give a realistic glance of how daily life must have been in earlier times. The floating markets are where the sellers, their boats laden with a wide variety of tropical fruits, flowers, vegetables and fresh produce, come to meet and barter their products with other traders. These days, modern supermarkets and department stores have largely replaced the traditional floating markets, but a few still survive.

The Beauty Etna Volcano

Hot Day

Under the surface

The Gun Shop

Airsoftgun ? No... it is the real weapon, you can choose the weapon all you want.. wow this is crazy... i never see like this before.. the weapon which free to sale with every kind of size, brand, type, and edition.. very cool..

Creative Resumes Design

Scarification Tattoos

Easy to change Porsche color

The Figure of life Gold Seeker